The crabapple that it's climbing on is dead and must be removed, but that would leave my rose without support. I'm considering -- and one of the older ladies who walks around the neighborhood a lot concurs with my idea -- of cutting out the smaller branches and leaving the main trunk and a few strong branches for the rose to clamber over.
The former ugliest corner, now transformed into a veggie garden, is coming along. Later on, as the pink geraniums bloom more profusely, the front bed will look even better.

Columbines came up in many spectacular colors this year. They tend to wander all over my garden. I didn't get a good shot of the native Aquilegia formosa, which is small and bright orange, before it faded, but the others that turned up are here, starting with the blue and white:

And my favorite this year, a shell-pink Columbine with heartbreakingly delicate shading:

1 comment:
such pretty pictures.
Do you have a special editing program to blur the background like that? If so what kind.
I am always open to something I don't have.
An that is pretty poppies.
I was browsing poppies and thus it brought me to your blog.
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