Wally Hansen is retiring from the nursery business, and is selling
Wallace Hansen Nursery. It's a well-established native plant nursery that many folks in the mid-Willamette Valley area have come to know, love, and rely on. It appears that Wally would like this to continue as a nursery business. If you or anyone you know has a burning desire to run a nursery, has some nursery business know-how, and would like to live in Oregon, this is a terrific opportunity. Property, house, nursery, existing stock, greenhouses and all are included in the sale. See
http://www.wallyhansennurseryforsale.com/ for more information and tons of pictures.
On a more selfish note -- someone please buy this and continue it as a native plant nursery, because if it goes away, there's no other place around where I can get native plants for my garden! If I'd gotten my graduate degree in horticulture instead of science education I'd be all over this.
I came across your blog entry. Thanks for your kind words. We have had considerable interest in the nursery, and we are working closely with a prospective buyer who has the passion, knowledge, energy, and experience to continue the nursery as Wally would continue it, with improvements. We hope to conclude the sale shortly, and we will send an announcement to the email list introducing the new proprietor at that time.
The plant sale was a huge success, and we are restocking to meet customer demand, preparing for next spring. Please check the web site http://www.nwplants.com from time to time to see what is new.
Mahalo. George, Wally's son in law.
That's excellent news. I'm on the mailing list, and I cant' wait to see what the new owners have in store.
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